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Where can I find a GCSE English tutor in my area?

Required GCSEs

There is immense pressure put on students to perform well in their GCSEs. Students need to get a Grade 4 or above in English Language and Mathematics in order to progress to most further education providers; some colleges, particularly for vocational courses, may accept students with less than a Grade 4 in one of these subjects, but it will be on the condition that they keep retaking the GCSE until they attain a Grade 4 or reach the age of 18. This will mean that they have to keep studying for that GCSE alongside what they have chosen to study at sixth form or college, which can be frustrating and take them away from activities they would prefer to be doing.


Limited time to deliver both GCSE English subjects

In most schools, GCSE English Language and GCSE English Literature will be delivered by the same teacher in the same timetabled lesson; essentially this can mean that the English teacher is delivering two GCSE subjects in the same time that some other subjects have to deliver just one subject. There are four examinations to prepare for and four Literature texts to study. Added to this, there is a spoken language element that students have to undertake which the English teacher also needs to fit in. When you consider this, it is easy to see why English teachers might not have the time to revisit parts of the course that students have missed or misunderstood, let alone sit down with individual students on a regular basis and give them personal, bespoke feedback and advice.

This is why having a GCSE English tutor can help.


Is it worth getting an English tutor for GCSE students?

Hiring a private GCSE tutor can definitely help students of all abilities. Your child may need to consolidate the whole or part of a course; they may need to work on the basic skills needed to succeed in English; they may need the stretch and challenge they are not getting in a packed classroom; they may just need the confidence and reassurance of a tutor telling them that they are getting it right. Whatever your child’s individual needs are, time spent with an experienced, qualified English tutor can help.

A GCSE English tutor can help students who are in danger of not reaching Grade 4. Working on a one-to-one basis with an experienced GCSE English tutor can really help to identify the areas a student is struggling with and give them the knowledge and strategies to overcome this. Your child may be spending lots of time studying and be frustrated that this is not reflected in their grades – a tutor can help them identify specific areas to focus on so that their efforts are more likely to be rewarded. Your child may be one who never does their homework (or says it is never set!) and for them, a tutor can ensure that they are practising the skills they need at home and can even work with them on their homework.

Classrooms can be a distracting environment for some students, and they may be missing vital parts of the subject content through their own behaviour or that of others; absence can also mean students miss key information which would have formed the foundation for the rest of their learning. This missing knowledge is dangerous during the GCSE course – it might mean students can’t access the rest of a unit of work and it might be the part that they get examined on. A tutor can fill these gaps in knowledge. (Click here if your child needs help to fill gaps in knowledge for GCSE English Language and/or GCSE English Literature)

For students who have fallen behind for whatever reason or who simply need a bit of extra support, getting a GCSE English tutor will help. A GCSE English tutor will tailor sessions to suit the needs of the individual student, focusing on missing information or skills that the student needs in order to pass the exam at the required grade. Working on a one-to-one basis with a tutor will mean that the tutor can guide the student as they work rather than just seeing the work (and mistakes!) later on when exercise books are collected in. This verbal feedback means misunderstandings and misconceptions can be dealt with and corrected immediately rather than relying on the student to read their teacher’s comments and act on them (which, in my experience, they don’t all do!)


Resitting GCSE English Language

If a student does not pass their English Language GCSE at a Grade 4 or above, they will be expected to retake that exam until they pass or until they are 18. Most further education providers, be it sixth forms or colleges, will offer resit lessons but most will only be able to offer students one session a week. This is unlikely to be enough – students who did not get the grade first time round are unlikely to perform better with less practice and fewer lessons.

Employing the help of a GCSE English tutor is an invaluable way of boosting your child’s chances of succeeding when they retake. As it is only English Language that is essential, resit sessions do not need to worry about the GCSE English Literature texts so can focus solely on English Language exam technique and practice. There are very clear methods and frameworks which students can develop with their English tutor which, if learnt and practised, will give them the confidence and skills to tackle the exam successfully.


Aiming for higher grades

Of course, some students will be aiming to achieve higher grades in both English Language and English Literature, perhaps with a view to studying these subjects at A Level or in order to meet the entry requirements for their A level subjects; a good grade in English will stand any student in good stead to get onto any essay-based A Level course.

These students can also really benefit from a GCSE English tutor.

The opportunity to discuss texts and perspectives without worrying about what the rest of the class will think of their ideas is an invaluable one to some students, enabling them to develop a more critical, analytical and evaluative voice in their writing which is essential to achieve the top grades. Working with a GCSE English tutor can enable high achieving students to hone their essay writing technique to craft more articulate, exploratory and thoughtful responses – these are the qualities examiners want to see to award the highest grades.

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Provide as much detail as possible about your requirement and I’ll be in touch to explore how I can help.

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